Definitions of six electrocardiographic indexes commonly used in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy
- Sokolow-Lyon index—sum of SV1+RV5 or V6>3.5 mV
- Cornell voltage index—men: RaVL+SV3>2.8 mV; women: RaVL+SV3>2.0 mV
- Cornell product—men: (SV3+RaVL)xQRS duration >=2440 ms; women: (SV3+(RaVL+8 mV))xQRS duration>2440 ms
- Gubner—RI+SIII>=25 mV
- Romhilt-Estes scores—excessive amplitude: 3 points (largest R or S wave in limb leads >=20 mV or S wave in V1 or V2 >=30 mV or R wave in V5 or V6 >=30 mV). ST-T segment pattern of LV strain: 3 points (ST-T segment vector shifted in direction opposite to mean QRS vector). Left atrial involvement: 3 points (terminal negativity of P wave in V1>=1 mm with duration >=0.04 s). Left axis deviation: 2 points (left axis >=–30° in frontal plain). Prolonged QRS duration: 1 point (>=0.09 s). Intrinsicoid deflection: 1 point (intrinsicoid deflection in V5 or V6>=0.05 s). Two thresholds in use: positive if >=4 points or >=5 points
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