вторник, 30 марта 2010 г.

Incidental finding of lymphocytosis in an asymptomatic patient -- Grove et al. 338: b2119 -- BMJ

Causes of lymphocytosis

Reactive (secondary) lymphocytosis

Normal morphology

  • Chronic smoking
  • Acute hypoxia (transient):
    Acute asthma
    Pulmonary embolus
    Myocardial infarction
  • Acute stress (transient)
  • Bordetella pertussis

Atypical morphology

  • Viral infections:
    Most common—Epstein-Barr virus; cytomegalovirus
    Less common—herpes simplex, influenza, mumps, HIV, dengue haemorrhagic fever; hepatitis A or B
  • Bacterial infections:
  • • Rickettsial infections
  • Drug hypersensitivity

Neoplastic (primary) lymphocytosis

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia—most common
  • Less common neoplasms:
    Hairy cell leukaemia
    Prolymphocytic leukaemia
    Leukaemic phase of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Summary of the article

  • Lymphocyte morphology can often distinguish between reactive and neoplastic causes of lymphocytosis
  • If "atypical lymphocytes" are present, an infectious mononucleosis screening test and viral serology are indicated
  • If the lymphocytes have normal morphology and the cause of lymphocytosis is uncertain, repeat the blood count and film in 2-4 weeks
  • When lymphocytosis is persistent and unexplained, lymphocyte phenotyping may provide insight into the aetiology

Incidental finding of lymphocytosis in an asymptomatic patient -- Grove et al. 338: b2119 -- BMJ

‘ABCDE’ Mnemonic for Secondary Causes of Hypertension (after American Family Physician, 2003)

Are the blood pressure readings accurate? Could chronic alcohol use be playing a role? Does the patient have obstructive sleep apnea? Does the patient have hypokalemia or other suggestions of primary hyperaldosteronism?

Bad kidneys
Is there an abdominal bruit suggestive of renovascular hypertension? Does the patient have renal parenchymal disease (which can be cause or a consequence of hypertension)?

Is the patient having palpitations, tachycardia, diaphoresis, headaches, and/or paroxysmal hypertension suggestive of pheochromocytoma? Are there decreased or delayed femoral pulses, or rib notching on chest x-ray suggestive of coarctation of the aorta? Any weight gain, hirstuism, amenorrhea, striae, or moon facies suggestive of Cushing's syndrome?

Any use of sympathomimetics, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, oral contraceptive pills, MAOIs, or other drugs that can elevate blood pressure? Are excess dietary sodium or obesity contributing?

Is there untreated thyroid disease or hyperparathyroidism? Is there another disorder (COPD) leading to increased erythropoietin levels?

Abbr.: NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

понедельник, 29 марта 2010 г.

Primary Aldosteronism—Changing Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment (2003)

In patients with suspected primary aldosteronism, screening can be accomplished by measuring a morning (preferably 0800 h) ambulatory paired random PAC and PRA. This test may be performed while the patient is taking antihypertensive medications and without posture stimulation. Spironolactone is the only medication that will absolutely interfere with interpretation of the ratio.

Endocrinology -- Young 144 (6): 2208 Figure 1

JAMA -- A Simplified Approach to the Management of Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes

While outcomes of controlled studies support a comprehensive approach in the management of patients with NSTE-ACS, many physicians perceive existing guidelines as lengthy and complex. After risk stratification to identify those patients most likely to benefit from an early invasive vs early conservative strategy, a comprehensive management plan can be assembled through an "ABCDE" approach. The elements of this include "A" for antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulation, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, and angiotensin receptor blockade; "B" for beta-blockade and blood pressure control; "C" for cholesterol treatment and cigarette smoking cessation; "D" for diabetes management and diet; and "E" for exercise.

JAMA -- A Simplified Approach to the Management of Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes, January 19, 2005, Gluckman et al. 293 (3): 349

ScienceDirect - The Lancet : Phaeochromocytoma


Presence of phaeochromocytoma


Urine tests

Catecholamines (HPLC)

Norepinephrine (nmol/24 h)

Epinephrine (nmol/24 h)

Fractionated metanephrines (HPLC)

Normetanephrine (nmol/24 h)

Metanephrine (nmol/24 h)

Total metanephrines (spectrophotometry)

Total of normetanephrine and metanephrine (μmol/24 h)

VMA (spectrophotometry)

VMA (μmol/24 h)

Blood tests

Catecholamines (HPLC)

Noradrenaline (nmol/L)

Adrenaline (nmol/L)

Free metanephrines (HPLC)

Normetanephrine (nmol/L)

Metanephrine (nmol/L)

ScienceDirect - The Lancet : Phaeochromocytoma 2005

Ventricular ectopic beats treatment – Heart 2006


Treating patients with ventricular ectopic beats: key points
  • Ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) are frequently seen in daily clinical practice and are usually benign

  • Presence of heart disease should be sought and, if absent, indicates good prognosis in patients with VEBs

  • There is no clear evidence that caffeine restriction is effective in reducing VEB frequency, but patients with excessive caffeine intake should be cautioned and appropriately advised if symptomatic with VEBs

  • Unifocal VEBs arising from the right ventricular outflow tract are common and may increase with exercise and cause non-sustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia. Catheter ablation is effective and safe treatment for these patients

  • β blockers may be used for symptom control in patients where VEBs arise from multiple sites. It should also be considered in patients with impaired ventricular systolic function and/or heart failure

  • Risk of sudden cardiac death from malignant ventricular arrhythmia should be considered in patients with heart disease who have frequent VEBs. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be indicated if risk stratification criteria are met

  • VEBs have also been shown to trigger malignant ventricular arrhythmias in certain patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and other syndromes. Catheter ablation may be considered in some patients as adjunctive treatment

Treating patients with ventricular ectopic beats -- Ng 92 (11): 1707 – Heart, 2006

Technorati Теги:

Main ECG criteria of left ventricular hypertrophy -- BMJ


Definitions of six electrocardiographic indexes commonly used in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy

  • Sokolow-Lyon index—sum of SV1+RV5 or V6>3.5 mV
  • Cornell voltage index—men: RaVL+SV3>2.8 mV; women: RaVL+SV3>2.0 mV
  • Cornell product—men: (SV3+RaVL)xQRS duration >=2440 ms; women: (SV3+(RaVL+8 mV))xQRS duration>2440 ms
  • Gubner—RI+SIII>=25 mV
  • Romhilt-Estes scores—excessive amplitude: 3 points (largest R or S wave in limb leads >=20 mV or S wave in V1 or V2 >=30 mV or R wave in V5 or V6 >=30 mV). ST-T segment pattern of LV strain: 3 points (ST-T segment vector shifted in direction opposite to mean QRS vector). Left atrial involvement: 3 points (terminal negativity of P wave in V1>=1 mm with duration >=0.04 s). Left axis deviation: 2 points (left axis >=–30° in frontal plain). Prolonged QRS duration: 1 point (>=0.09 s). Intrinsicoid deflection: 1 point (intrinsicoid deflection in V5 or V6>=0.05 s). Two thresholds in use: positive if >=4 points or >=5 points

Accuracy of electrocardiography in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hypertension: systematic review -- Pewsner et al. 335 (7622): 711 -- BMJ